RBG Africa Logistics
Mozambique is still one of the poorest countries in the world. According to Human Development Indices And Indicators: 2018 Statistical Update, 62.9% of the population are living below the income poverty line which is US$1.9 per person per day. In general, Mozambique ranks the 180th out of 189 countries in Human Development Index 2018, and the 123th out of 156 countries in World Happiness Report 2019.

Having strong exposure in Mozambique, Cornelder is responsible to work with local people together and change the current situation. RBG Africa Logistics is a company built up to address the problems by providing the most reliable and cost-efficient integrated logistics services through the collaboration with other partners like The Ports and Railways Company of Mozambique (CFM), Cornelder de Moçambique (CdM) and Transportes Carlos Mesquita (TCM).